Solace of Submission

Welcome to sub Missions

The purpose of Sub Missions is to support, facilitate, and promote the healthy growth of uncollared submissives within Second Life, in order to maximize their potential, self-esteem and empower them to prepare for life with a Dominant once they desire to do so, while encouraging the development of healthy, strong values and respect for others within the D/s community.

On Wednesday, April 27, 2011 0 comments

We had a fantastic turn out to the meeting last night. The discussion was fantastic and I hope empowering for everyone. I will add more later, however this morning I am posting so I can let go.

Every morning for the last several months, I sent an email to my former Master. It was rarely anything long or earth shattering. It was a way for both of U/us to start the day feeling Dominant and submissive. Since my release 6 weeks ago, I still continued to email him every morning. It was hard to let go. However it is time.

So this morning I am writing to you. Empowering myself in one small step to let go. In the process I will heal and prepare myself to serve again.

That is what we have hoped for this discussion group. We wanted it to be a place where uncollared and collared submissives could safely come share and be given tools that perhaps they could use to empower themselves.

Thank you for allowing me to feel that empowerment and beauty last night, it is spilling over to this morning as I struggle not to send that email.

We are submissive, it is in our very nature that we are strong and beautiful.

I will attempt to post a true meeting summary later today :)

On Sunday, April 24, 2011 0 comments

Hi.  Welcome to the sub Mission's group space. At our first meeting we had the opportunity to meet each other and introduce ourselves to the group. The girls that came out were all amazing and I am really excited about the group's beginnings.

One topic that we touched upon was when becoming uncollared the submissive, not only misses their Dominant, but the tasks that were rituals and routines as well.

One common task/ritual is writing. Either the submissive has a journal or writes specifically to their Master. This can leave a very large void in the submissives world, no longer having that. We discussed the possibility that perhaps we could share journalling and writing with each other.

It can be very empowering to write our thoughts and feelings. For some submissives it encourages growth and gives them something to reflect upon at a later date.

I also believe we have so much to learn from each other. I have already had some self revelations since meeting. I encourage all submissives that attend the sub Mission meetings at the Solace of Submission to contribute to this space. Write poems, thoughts, reflect on discussions, fears, hopes, dreams. Whatever you feel comfortable sharing.

You may do so freely or anonymous. When you are ready contact teara Coral in world for more information, to become a contributor or to submit to be posted.

This is all so fresh and new. The group is bound to grow and change over time. I hope we can all witness that here.

I will also try to write summaries of the meetings here and any resources I find (feel free to share those too!) for those that cannot make our meetings.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 26 at 6pm slt.